How to Keep Raccoons Away From Trash Cans?

Raccoons can be quite persistent when it comes to scavenging through trash cans in search of food. However, there are several effective measures you can take to keep raccoons away from your trash cans. By implementing these strategies, you can minimize the chances of raccoons creating a mess and reduce potential conflicts between humans and wildlife.

  • Secure lids: Use trash cans with tight-fitting lids that are difficult for raccoons to open. Opt for cans with latches or clasps to ensure they remain securely closed. Raccoons have dexterous paws, so it is important to choose a design that can withstand their efforts to pry it open.
  • Reinforce lids: If you already have trash cans with lids that raccoons can easily open, reinforce them with additional measures. You can secure the lid with a bungee cord, a heavy-duty elastic strap or even a padlock or carabineer for added security
  • Store cans in a secure location: Store your trash cans in a secure area such as a garage, shed or fenced enclosure. This will prevent raccoons from gaining access to them. Ensure the storage location is sturdy and cannot be easily breached by raccoons.
  • Use motion-activated lights: Raccoons are nocturnal animals and they prefer dark areas for foraging. Install motion-activated lights near your trash cans to deter raccoons from approaching. The sudden illumination can startle them and make them think twice before venturing closer.
  • Install motion-activated sprinklers: Another effective method to deter raccoons is to set up motion-activated sprinklers. These devices use infrared sensors to detect movement and spray a burst of water when triggered. Raccoons dislike getting wet, so this can be a great deterrent to keep them away from your trash cans.
  • Remove attractants: Raccoons are attracted to the smell of food, visit site so it is important to minimize attractants around your trash cans. Rinse food containers before throwing them away, double-bag food waste and ensure the lids are tightly sealed to reduce odors. You can also sprinkle ammonia or vinegar around the trash cans as these scents can be repugnant to raccoons.
  • Use repellents: There are commercially available repellents designed specifically to deter raccoons. These repellents typically contain strong odors or taste deterrents that raccoons find unpleasant. Follow the instructions carefully when using these products and reapply them as directed.
  • Encourage neighborhood cooperation: Raccoon problems often extend beyond individual households. Collaborate with your neighbors to implement similar raccoon prevention measures. When multiple households take steps to secure their trash, it reduces the overall attractiveness of the neighborhood to raccoons.

By combining these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of raccoons rummaging through your trash cans. Remember that raccoons are intelligent creatures, so it may take some persistence and trial-and-error to find the most effective methods for your specific situation. If raccoon activity persists despite your efforts, consider seeking advice from a professional wildlife control service or your local animal control agency.